Thursday, October 30, 2008

Moving holidays...

It was a chilly 28 degrees when I left my house this morning. I am so not ready for this weather!!! The good news is that it will warm up so that tomorrow will be about 60. That'll be nice for the trick-or-treaters.

QOTD - Did your town/city move Halloween to another date? I'm sorry but I just don't understand why a city would move it to the previous weekend. The city my son lives in moved it to 10/25. Why would they do that? Ok, I can see if it fell on a week night and they changed it but it's FRIDAY!! What's wrong with that?!

I have never had it moved where I lived. I think I'd protest. It's kind of like celebrating Thanksgiving on the day after or something. I just don't get it. (ok, don't bash me because I know there are a couple of instances but still). The holiday was set on a certain date/day for a reason, right?!

Speaking of which, I get Veteran's Day off. This year it's a Tuesday. Did they move it to Monday to give us a long weekend?!! I'm taking a vacation day on Monday to have an extra long weekend. ;-)


  1. I've never heard about moving holidays before. That would be weird IMO. After all, most of the events are tied to the "day(s)/date".

    Enjoy your extra long weekend !!!

  2. It doesn't happen over here that I know of but the Halloween isn't that big (although it's getting there)

    Of course you are eligible to join in the blog candy. Thank you for visiting and good luck

  3. We have Halloween on, well, Halloween! LOL... We do have TOT hours though 5 to 8... I remember as a kid you could TOT as long as the porch light was on and you had room in your sack...LOL...THOSE were the days... Happy Halloween!

  4. the only holiday I know that they moved was memorial day- which used to be the last day May and now is always observed the last monday of may- and of cource there is MLK and Presidents day, where we also clebrate them on monday's or fridays-- being a school teacher I am up on my holidays that give me a day off :)
