Friday, October 10, 2008

One card and a lot of paper...

One of my online friends sent me this ginormous stack of paper! I did a favor and was well rewarded! I was so excited when I opened the box. Thanks a bunch, Linda!! I will put it to good use. I took the photo next to my big 16 oz. glass just to show how tall it is. I used the first piece last night to make this twin baby card for my niece.

I kept thinking of cute little ideas like double trouble or twice blessed (so not my niece), etc. I ended up just saying congrats with two giraffes. I don't know what made me use a giraffe on another friend's baby card but I liked the idea and decided to go with blue and purple to match the pp I had.

Why is it my photos are always crooked?! LOL It's not my best card but I had to rush before Grey's came on.


  1. Cute card Michelle. Is all that paper SU?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Now I see why my cards might of looked so much alike.

    You should just say its your signature card making to have them at a slant :) JK very nice card

  4. Enjoy the paper! I know you will put it to great use.

  5. I hope this won't be a double post the computer did something weird while trying to post the first time.

    Wow that's a lot of paper!!! Cute card too!

  6. Cute card, love the giraffes! Wow, that is a humungous stack of paper, how incredibly sweet of Linda! :) And she's right, I know you'll put it to good use making beautiful cards :)

  7. oh wow!! that's a LOT of paper!!

    cute card too!
