Thursday, October 09, 2008

No stamping....

The band was recording last night so I didn't bother going down to the basement to make cards. I desperately need two cards - one for my niece who is pregnant with twins and a 25th anniversary for this weekend. That will be hard one to make. It's my uncle who has ALS. I mean, what do you say? I certainly can't say, "Wishing you many more happy years together." I didn't say that right but you got my drift. Anyway, tonight I will have to get down there and get at least these two made.

I did pop down there briefly to say hello to my son. He noticed my hair cut and said he really liked it and said it looked very "scene". He asked one of the guys if he thought it was scene and then they all looked at me and said it was and that it was awesome! It was cute. I just love these guys! They made me feel not so old and a little "scene." LOL

So that's all folks. I hope to be posting some cards tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. LOL!!! gotto love those sweet guys.

    And am looking forward to seeing your cards ! post away !!!
