Friday, September 19, 2008

Food 4 Thought

Got this from Stacy @ Exceedingly Mundane.

Food 4 Thought Friday

It is generally the same idea, with just a little twist. Feel free to play along for some yummy fun! I will post a new one each Thursday afternoon for those that are on a different time zone. JOIN IN!!!

Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions

What is one thing you look forward to each day? Each week? I really look forward to 5:00 each day and then getting into my pjs and heading to my stamping room after dinner. I also look forward to Saturday each week. Nothing complicated here!

Are you a hoarder or a chucker? Oh, I hate to say it but I'm a major hoarder, especially when it comes to my sb/stamp supplies.

Do your dinner meals consist mostly of home cooked meals, convenience foods (i.e. boxed, frozen, heat & serve, etc.), or fast food? Who does most of the cooking in your home? Well, somehow out of three adults, I got the job of chef. I hate to cook and I hate getting home after work starting from scratch when two others are there before me just waiting. I typically have home cooked meals but they're simple meat & veggie type meals. They have to fit the South Beach diet when I'm on it.

Midnight Snack
Has the rising cost of gasoline caused you to restrict, limit, or alter anything in your life? If so what? Well that's not all that has changed me from a shopaholic to a spend thrift. I don't make unnecessary trips any more. I used to go out for a ride every day during lunch. Sometimes I just bring a book and sit in the parking lot. So, yes, it's definitely restricted me from excursions.

Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?) Be nice to others even if they're not nice to you. They may come around!! (found this out today)

PLEASE PLAY !!!! Come on you know you want to!
To play along go here


  1. Fun, glad you played along, and I'm glad I found this alternative to the Friday Feast. :)

    We're both hoarders, surprise, surprise! Bummer that you have to do the cooking. You need to leave them notes out, as to stuff to do before you get home, get this going, etc. Couldn't hurt to try!!! LOL!

    Hope you have an awesome weekend, girlie!!!

  2. I totally agree with your recipe for life!

    And it is hard to NOT be a hoarder!

    SO glad you played! Great answers! Play along again!

  3. loved your recipe for life- and the thought that you may make some people come around to your way of thinking:)

    sorry I haven't been visiting lately just in a funk
