Saturday, September 20, 2008

Busy weekend...

Wow, it turned out to be a busy weekend! Fri. night we went shopping and then out to dinner. I actually stuck to the diet at Chili's. I skipped the margarita and had a low carb beer and I had ribs and steamed veggies.

I went shopping with some stamping friends today. It was a lot of fun! They took me to a store that's about 30 min. away. She had some stamps that my lss doesn't carry and she was really nice. I got some cute stamps and I finally bought my first Nestabilities in classic scalloped rectangle. The only problem is that I didn't buy the mat yet. I might try to put some kind of block on there to see if it will cut.

We stopped at a brand new Mike's on the way back and then to ACM. I bought a really cool guitar stamp that my son is going to LOVE! It also has a drum set so my other son will be happy too.

So....I was just about to either nap (I didn't sleep last night) or sit down and play with my new stuff. My cell phone rang and it was the realtor asking for a showing tomorrow morning. UGH!! I ran around crazy cleaning the house because I will have to be out early in the a.m. I'm meeting a friend from way back who I haven't seen in about 24 yrs.!!! I'll try to post later about my purchases or maybe I'll make some cards but I doubt it.

Tomorrow night I have my son and his gf coming to my house for a bday celebration. Whew, I am wiped out.


  1. Gosh, I'm tired just reading that! Hope the open house goes well, and the meeting with your friend, and the birthday celebration. Wow, busy day indeed!

    Have fun and get some rest too! :)

  2. Hope after the birthday celebration you can find some time to relax before it is back to the workweek.

  3. that is my dream shopping day !!! So glad you had fun.

    Good luck on the open house !!!
