Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What did I do?...

Today was my first day on vacation alone. I had no particular plans but I do have a list of things to do between today and Thurs. One was to get my Dad's gift in the mail - done.

Another was to get on the treadmill every day. So...after procrastinating online for a while I made myself go on the treadmill. I was going to start with 20-25 minutes but it went by fast so I finished at 35 minutes. I was watching Will and Grace so it was easy to forget what I was doing. Love that show!! Anyway, just as I was getting off the treadmill, I started to get the migraine squigglies in my right eye. It got so bad, I grabbed a few Advil and had to lie down on the couch and cover my eyes. I stayed there for about 20 minutes waiting for them to go away. I slowly got up and took my shower, etc. Now I have a miserable headache that won't quit. I went to the post office to get my mind off it and then I cleaned out a craft bin. It just doesn't want to quit.

I think I'll be logging off and I may put my head down again. So ... I know it's pretty funny that my body can't take the exercise but seriously - what did I do? I'm wondering if the flourescent light bouncing off the t.v. did it or if my body is in shock! LOL but not really funny.


  1. I was going to email you about the walking - yeah for you for getting on the treadmill. Now, I need to get on mine later - it's an evil thing sitting in the corner, taunting me :)

    Yuck on the headache. I hope you're a lot better now. I hope you took something and got enough rest that it's going away. When I get a bad one, I just want to be in a dark room, no light, no sound, with a wet cloth over my eyes. Yikes, I hope yours is not bad. Take care :)

  2. Man, just when you thought you were doing something good for yourself huh? =P

  3. Hey Michelle,
    I didn't know you had a blog. I found it from Kerry's. Great cards. I love that drink stamp. It makes me want one.
