Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cocktails, anyone?

My day got progressively worse. I can't talk about it but please think good thoughts for my family. I flew through a bunch of easy cards to keep my mind of things.

I started with this little cocktail and enjoyed coloring them in so I kept going. Perhaps this is what I should have had to drown my sorrows?!

I really like this sparkly sugar coated paper from Doodlebug. It's hard to see in the photo but most of the scalloped circles are cut from either orange or teal sugar coated paper. I may have to get more colors. I've had this since CK Manchester and just now pulled it out to use.

The cs is SU and the cocktail & little flower stamps are Amuse. The "enjoy" is a Mike's $1 stamp and the other is Amuse. The ribbon is also Amuse and that little printed card in the lower right is an Amuse note card. The color is really off. I forgot to shut the Ott light off before snapping the photo.


  1. These are great, Michelle! Love the lacey border punch. I also like that Doodlebug paper...I have never seen it before. Do you know how to make your own sparkly paper? If not shoot me an email and I will give you directions! pretty easy.

  2. I hate your day didn't get better, but hope things will soon. Will be thinking about you and your family :)

    Is the headache gone?

    Cute cards! I think you had a theme going, with the cocktails I was seeing at Facebook and now these, hehehe! Hope they made you feel better :)

  3. I hope that tomorrow is a better day and I'll keep you in good thoughts. Hope you are feeling better too from the migraine.

    Cocktails would be great. Yum.
