Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Jimmy crack corn....

Ok, I guess I better explain myself on the corn. A few of you thought I put sugar on it. Here in New England we have butter and sugar corn just like they have Silver Queen in MD. It has yellow and white kernels and it's very sweet! It's the only kind I really like. If you are ever in New England, do try it. You'll love it!


  1. lol !! thanks for clarifying that ;-). I love corn and sometimes we cook it on the grill, thus my question of being in the husk or not. ;-).

    DS loves corn too, and I do buy the canned ones and cook it in melted "can't believe its not butter" butter. canned = less flossing ;-).

  2. We've grilled corn a couple of times already this year, we love it! I had never heard that term, sugar corn. Here, there's mostly yellow, but some white and just in the last couple of summers, sometimes I can find what they call "bi-color" here, which is the mix of white and yellow. It is very tender and sweet. It's definitely my favorite, but sometimes hard to find here.

    Yummy, now I'm hungry!

  3. I have that growing next to the house! Although it's always questionable whether we get any or not...the racoons usually beat us to it!

  4. I feel the same way about Indiana sweet corn. Hope you are having a great summer so far.

    I haven't visited in awhile, but plan to do so more often.

  5. Thanks for clearing this up, i almost served corn on the cob with a sugar and butter mixture lol.Kids would have liked it but hubby would have thought i'm losing it lol.

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  7. We have both yellow and white corn here in the Philippines, though they're not very sweet. Japanese sweet corn is what we usually buy. They're good just boiled. :)
