Wednesday, July 02, 2008

A hidden message....

I'm so mad...forgot my camera at home. We have a hydrangea bush that we planted when we first moved in. We never got flowers for 11 years - only healthy green leaves.

Two years ago my dh moved it out front. We got nothing for a year and then last year we got two perfect periwinkle blue blossoms. Now we are ready to move out and we have about 18 flowers!!!

This is the photo of last year's flowers.

I'll have to post this year's flowers tomorrow. They are not in full color yet, just that limeish green edged flower with a little bit of blue. So pretty! Also, our dogwood tree is full of flowers.

Are they trying to tell us to stay?!! hehehe

Here you go:


  1. I tried to grow hydrangea but the little plants from qvc stayed in their tiny pots and sadly, I maybe overwatered or underwatered them and yes, they became brown and stiff ;-).

    I don't have talent for growing plants.

    Maybe its telling you to stay !!! ;-)

  2. Those are absolutely stunning...I've never been able to grow Hydranga's, but they are my favorite flower!
