Sunday, July 13, 2008


Look at these beauties!! I'm loving my hydrangea bush this year as I mentioned before. They are a gorgeous periwinkle now. I cut a handful and put them in a vase.

My mom read that if you want the color I have, put nails in the ground. I guess the color depends on what is in the soil. Luckily I have iron or whatever it is because that's my favorite color of hydrangeas.

Did I mention that hydrangeas are my favorite flower? What is yours?


  1. BEAUTIFUL !!! I am periwinkled with envy because I can't grow beautiful things in my backyard. ;-) - Enjoy your flowers!

  2. Oooooo - your hydraengeas are beautiful too! tfs! I love seeing the different colors!


  3. Very beautiful! you can almost smell them. I am a yellow rose girl myself, but always enjoy fresh cut flowers from the yard in a vase of any kind. Looking at them makes me happy.

  4. Those are just gorgeous! Flower shop gorgeous :) I have no idea if those would grow here with our heat and humidity. So pretty :)
