Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Goosey, goosey gander...

Just had to share this plant too. My boys think it's so cool. It's called Gooseneck Loose Strife. My Maine friend gave me a bunch to plant and they spread like wildfire! It just kind of hangs there like a goose neck as the name implies.

My friend is so into gardening and has gorgeous flowers all around their house. She tries to educate me when we go up there but I'm just not a gardener. I don't enjoy getting my hands dirty with all the bugs and everything that's in the soil. I do love to see things come up and flower though! How about you? Green or black thumb?


  1. Black thumb! Darlin, I can kill crab grass. I love seeing it all bloom though - but only the landscaper that planted them originally and Mother Nature can take credit for anything that lives in my yard! So the one thing to never give me? A plant. :o)

  2. Some of both, depends on the flower/plant and where it's going. But I tell ya, by mid-July, I'm sorely tired of my flowers and having to water daily to keep them alive. It's so hot here, and after planting them in May, by late July I'm ready to just let them die, LOL!

    That's really pretty, I don't think I've seen one of those before.

  3. Black thumb here and i don't mind, i don't like gardening at all,but i do like seeing the blooms.
    My fav in my yard right now is my butterfly bush that was there since we moved in ,seems that the woman here before me had a green thumb.

  4. black thumb for me too-luckically for me everything grows in CA, it is amazing, just have to remember to turn on the sprinkler-good thing that is Michael's job :)

    Great name for the plant- defenitely look liked some creature was on them-never saw them in teal life.

  5. I have the blackest black thumb in the world. I like to see the greens and flowers and would at some point try to start a flower garden (twice actually) but not follow through. I don't like the spiders and bugs .. its ewww ... ;-)

    BTW, love the greens in your garden.

  6. That is a cool-looking plant!

    I am a black thumb, but I would love to be a green thumb. It is really hard to grow plants here in the desert too. I do enjoy looking at and photographing flowers!
