Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mixed emotions...

I was excited and nervous when I got two phone calls for showings on our first day. Got home and saw the For Sale sign and nearly cried. My dh said he was heartbroken when he got home and saw the sign and felt we may be doing the wrong thing. Then my oldest came for band practice and said it was really weird to see the sign when he drove up. Dh told him he was feeling bad about it and ds told him that new beginnings are good too. He can be so sweet!

Anyway, the house is sparkling for our showing this morning. Maybe we're counting our chickens before they hatch but I am really nervous about selling without a place to go. I want a full offer, but then again, I don't! I want to move so we can do our thing up north, but then again...I don't! We'll see what today brings.

** UPDATED: We are now up to 4 showings!!!


  1. Oh wow, I never thought about it, but I think I would be heartbroken too. I am going to have to tackle all of this sooner or later, so I love hearing what you guys are doing and feeling. I totally never thought about seeing that sign in MY yard. I bought this house brand new and no one has ever lived here but me. So, it's MY house! I can't imagine seeing the sign, having people tromp through it and like you said, selling it, even though it might be the best thing ever.

    Let us know how it's going, and good luck - I'll be thinking about you guys :)

  2. Its great that you are getting lots of foot traffic, if you know what I mean. Good luck. Its easy to get sentimental, especially with a home you love.

    I got sentimental with our sofa set when we donated it to Salvation army. We were changing styles to contemporary so that big comfy sofa did not fit (also, it was too big for the living room, but I loved it because we used to just relax on there, sometimes we would sleep on it, and I nursed ds on it... as the guys were carrying out, I really felt like crying. The tears came soon as I shut the door. ;-)

  3. Thank you for stopping by to check up on me:). All is well~ The surgery went well and I already feel better than I have in months.

    Honey, I am praying God's will and Jis peace that passes understanding over you and the house situation. Often it is hard to know just what to pray for. His peace and His will will do it for you.

