Friday, May 23, 2008

Heading up north.....

Just saying that makes me laugh. DH used to call our land "the Property" and I did a layout with the same title. He now refers to it as "Up North." When we are going through things in the house and are trying to decide whether or not to keep it, dh says, "We could always take it up north." I think I'll be hearing that a lot when we actually pack up for the move. We better build a huge place to fit all the junk!!LOL

So we are going up to Maine for an association meeting and to relax. We finally got into the Inn we've been wanting to stay at. It should be fun. I'll try to take some photos at Evan's Notch since my ds asked me to, and post when we get back. I took fall and winter photos and posted way back and maybe even some summer ones.

Hope everyone has a fun & safe Memorial Weekend!


  1. Have FUN !!! your DS will be fine ;-). I think he will enjoy it too hehehe...

  2. I am happy you get to go away:)...and look forward to the pics.

    I got my card today and it is BEAUTIFUL! Thank you so very much.

    Have a wonderful time this weekend:).

  3. Ooh, sounds awesome, I know you will have fun! Be safe and relax and enjoy the long weekend :)

  4. Sounds wonderful...have a great time...for me! :)
