Friday, March 28, 2008

What a Difference a Day Makes...

Didn't I just say that with my spring post?!! Well....I woke up to snow this morning - no more exposed grass anywhere. We had a cuple of inches and it's now sleeting.
This is the view driving out of my neighborhood.

This is not a great shot but I was driving down the street and there wasn't anyone behind me. I wanted to show the pond that started to finally melt yesterday. This is not the greatest area to take the photo with the fence and all that but there was someone coming from the other direction when I got to the nice view.


  1. LOL about your spring post and now snow.I do hope it go away soon ,i'm not holding my breath though lol.

  2. oh .. bleary day .. ;-(, sorry your spring got interrupted. Hope it will come back soon. Happy Friday!

  3. Winter just won't give up, will it! It better clear out soon. The Sox need to play their home opener in less than 2 weeks!

  4. Wowzers, now that looks like a winter wonderland. And to think, as I sit here and type this, it's a nice, warm 75 degrees! :)
