Friday, March 28, 2008

Friday's Feast One Hundred Eighty Five


What does the color dark green make you think of?

Limes - I love lime flavor (key lime pie, margaritas, etc.).


How many cousins do you have? Oh boy, let me count....I have 19 first cousins on my mom's side. I am very close to all of them and they range from 8 yrs. to 55 yrs. I have 9 cousins on my dad's side and I don't even know their married/last names!!


On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how honest are you? I'd say about 9? I can't hide anything and therefore can't lie. Not only that but I hate being lied to. I can tell a white lie if need be though.

Main Course

Name something that is truly free. Love - as in Sheryl Crow's new song, "Love is Free."


Using the letters in the word SPRING, write a sentence.

Silly people really instigate new giggles. (sorry, this really has me stumped today!!!)


  1. I thought you were pretty creative on your dessert! Sorry about your lack of Spring...

  2. hey ur dessert is good enough! i like it! great FF mine is at this link!

  3. your dessert was great - I had to mix up the letters and still endd with a cheesy dessert!

  4. Great dessert..I had a really hard time coming up with mine.

  5. Much bigger family that I have...

    You did great with the sentence! :)

  6. Hey I liked your dessert...I didn't do it right the first time, round! Well done.

  7. What a nice feast.
    I love your dessert.

    You can find my feast at:

    Laane on the World

    Have a great weekend.

  8. Nice dessert! :-)

    Here's my feast. Thanks for visiting, and have a great FF day!

  9. I love your dessert- it made me smile.

  10. cool FF and I love the pics of the snow in your previous post!!!

  11. Okay, Miss Margarita Queen-if I ever (or WHEN I ever) get the opportunity to meet you in person-we are going to have margaritas! A perfect green choice!

    Yeah, I didn't do well on the dessert one either and I usually love that stuff. Hmm, did I even post my Feast? I did one...

    From the previous post, you East Coasters need a heavy dose of Spring! :)

  12. Clever! Loved your dessert. And I wish my cousins lived closer. They're all at least an 8 hour drive, and I tend to fall asleep when I drive, so I rarely see them.

  13. I need a new cousin. Can you be it? (pretty please?)

  14. Great feast Michelle! Limes, yummy, especially in those things you mentioned :)

    You do have a lot of cousins! And I thought you did great on your sentence, good job!

    Hope you're having a wonderful weekend :)

  15. We had almost the same Salad & I think your Dessert is way better than mine! It's hard to do that!

    As for limes, one of my favorite recipes is for Honey Lime Chicken. Yum!
