Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Three things meme...

Got tagged by Becky at My Creative Side.

Feel free to play along, just let me know so I can visit!

3 things that....

Fascinate me:
1. The world wide web
2. Art
3. Nature

Inspire me:
1. SU catalogs
2. SB Magazines
3. Creativity from others

Anger me:
1. Rude people
2. Bullies
3. Child abuse

Delight Me:
1. My boys/men
2. Comments on my blog
3. Packages in the mail

Frighten me:
1. Heights
2. Critters and bugs
3. Something happening to my boys

Relaxes me:
1. A nice margarita, on the rocks with salt
2. A pedicure
3. Maine


  1. I'll play along. :smiles:

  2. Hey...thanks for playing along!!
    I can totally relate to fear of heights........nice answers.

  3. Packages in the mail? What are you getting? Can I trade my bills for packages?

  4. Wow, did I write this? I would answer almost exactly what you said!

    I am a bit behind in blogging, so I hope to catch up later tonight.
