Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Misc. chatter...

I have a major sinus headache today. I can't stand this time of year for that reason. It feels like I have a vice grip on my head. Ugh....

Anyway, I'm heading to a friend's house tonight for some cardmaking. I have 3 overflowing bags in my car and I wonder if I've brought everything I need.

I hope I can get some things done. I tend to have ADD when I'm with someone else and trying to stamp. My friend likes to do 10 of one card, kind of like assembly line stamping. I'm the opposite. I'd rather spend the time on a few nice & different ones. Don't get me wrong, hers are nice but the same. I get bored easily.

If you are a stamper, what kind are you? Assembly line or one of a kind?


  1. If I had the luxury of having many stamps and wasn't aiming to make a uniform invite, I would be a one stamp one image kind of gal.

  2. Ugh on the sinus headache. Some stuff in our yard is blooming and sprouting out buds, so I'm sure I'll get one sooner or later. Hope you feel better soon, and have a blast tonight stamping :)

  3. Hope you headache is better.I've had those and its no fun.
    Right now i'm dealing with allergies and wishing i can take more than 1 zyrtec a day!

  4. If I'm in a swap, I do it assembly line. Otherwise, I'm a one imagage kind of gal.
