Sunday, December 16, 2007

My old life in PA...

I used to have a great job and a lot of work friends when we lived in PA. It was a start-up company and everyone was pretty young. Most of us were in our early 30's.

Anyway, each Christmas the upper mgmt. would let us fly down to Tampa for the Christmas party. First it was just the management team (5 of us). My dh would take care of the boys and household duties for the weekend. We would have a great time socializing with our counterparts who lived in the Tampa area. It was nice to bond with them since we dealt with them daily on the phone. We would jump from nightclub to nightclub. I seriously don't know how we did it.

The last year I was there they decided to invite the whole PA office to go down for the party. I think there were probably 18-20 of us. We stayed at a nice resort on the beach. The Tampa folks got to stay too. After the official Christmas party was over we went out.

We were up until the early dawn hours just partying away! I remember going to breakfast around 3 a.m. or so. We all crashed after that. On the flight home, it was very quiet because we were all sad to leave and exhausted. Ah, those were the days. Back to reality!!

I decided not to be lazy and post a few photos. Don't laugh too hard!

The two Michelle's (I'm on the right).

The girls on the beach. I'm on the left.


  1. Wow, that is a pretty awesome Christmas perk, to fly you guys down to FL! Very cool :) Love the photos, you had some gorgeous hair, girl!!!

  2. P.S. Not meaning to say your hair is not gorgeous now, that's not what I meant! I mean, it was just longer then, and it looked great :) Not that it doesn't look great now.... argh! :)

    Have a great day!

  3. Wow, now that is a Christmas party- I need to work for that company!!

    Loved seeing the pictures of you , what a great smile you have!!!
