Monday, December 17, 2007

Blasted with Snow....

We got 8 inches on Thurs. and an additional 10 or so yesterday. I took some photos
from the inside (too cold to go out).

The last is my favorite. The sun was so pretty but I would have to go out in the snow to get it. I stood on the upper level of my porch and shot throught the window without a screen.

This brings me to my next memory. My dh and I moved away from our families to MI and we were really lonely. I was pregnant with our first child. Anyway, we were dying to fly home for Christmas. We got out just before a huge storm. When we got home, we had to dig our way into the condo! It had been plowed but our walkway was completely covered. I think they had over 2 feet of snow. They were known for having tough winters. We were happy we missed the storm. The rest of the winter wasn't so bad and we moved out the following November, before any storms.


  1. As long as you are toasty in your house, crank up the Christmas tunes, and enjoy the beautiful snow outside.

    It is amazing the things we remember- I remember flying home for Thanksgiving so vividally after we moved from DE to CA. Enjoying hearing your Winter Wonderland stories.

  2. brrr ... but it looks beautiful .. white Christmas! The coldest so far here is in mid-40's. But its raining and the roads are wet.

    Love your pictures!

  3. Wow, I am chilly just reading your post and looking at the pictures-how beautiful. My favorite is the last one with the sun peeking through the trees.

    Definitely get the hot cocoa brewing and put on the music!

    p/s it's in the mid-60's here in Phoenix-brrr! hee, hee!
