Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Ok, first of all, you ladies are the best! Thanks for the nice comments. I always cringe after I hit that Publish button, thinking my things aren't so great and why publish when there are so many talented ladies out there. So thanks for making me feel ok about it.

Second, my wrist is hurting but just an annoying ache. I have an appt. with a hand specialist on Tuesday because I wanted to go to their office near my house. I'm sure it must be a ganglion (sp?). It looks and feels like bone. My ds' eyes popped out of his head when I showed him last night. He's the one who has been to that specialist's office several times for broken bones.

I'm really looking forward to next week. I only have to work Monday. Tuesday I have my dr. appt. and then I have to take my mom to the airport. She's going to her sister's for Turkey Day. I decided I'd take Wednesday as well. I have the vacation time and my dh won't get any this year with the new job. I plan on doing more Christmas cards, layouts and also getting ready for Thanksgiving. Can't wait!

p.s. I've added a new link to the side. I saw on someone else's blog that Tim Holtz has a new blog and you all know how much I love Tim Holtz!!


  1. Good luck with the specialist-I have had the ganglions in my fingers and they come and go. But yours looked much more pronounced.

    And hooray for taking a day off for crafting! I wish I could join you!

  2. I'm off next week too. We're traveling though - weather permittig. Driving to Grand Junction, CO to visit sister-in-law. Beats cooking I guess.

    I had a ganglion on my wrist about twenty years ago. Doctor says they don't hurt you but I said it's ugly take it off!

    Good luck with that.

  3. Hope the specialist can help-
    and enjoy your day of crafting -what fun!

  4. Good luck with the doctor appointment next week. That sounds bad to me, hope it is all ok.

    Yeah for the vacation time next week- hope you enjoy every single minute!
