Thursday, November 15, 2007

Not much....

I didn't do much of anything last night. I made a quick card for our friend. I wasn't totally thrilled but it's a guys birthday card with a guitar on it.

I was too tired to do more. I watched Private Practice and struggled to stay awake for the 10:00 news.

Tonight's yoga-lates class ought to be interesting with this thing on my wrist! I'll just have to pass on the exercises that use hand/wrist strength. That's about half of it! LOL

I made this one last week for my card group. I was sent the image and had to make a card with it and send to my partner. I can't remember the paper manufacturer but the cs is SU. I used that cute little felt flower sent to me by my nice friend, Kimi!!


  1. Cute card! Take it easy at your exercise class until you can get to the doctor. Good excuse to rest some, huh?! :)

  2. That is interesting, I just read an article about yoga and carpal tunnel and how it is actually helpful in certain poses for the wrist. Just be careful!

    The card is so pretty!

  3. ah Yoga- my body is telling me to make time to get back into it.
    Good job going - I would of used my hand as an excuse not to go.

    Hope the healing process has begun!
    Take care!
