Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Question for you....

I recently spoke to an online friend for the first time and I was just wondering....

You know how you have a picture of someone in your head and then you meet them and they look completely opposite? How about the voice? Do you have a voice in mind also? Do you hear the person talking online to you? Sounds strange, I know.

This is the second time I've spoken to someone that I only know online. Both times the voice was completely different than I thought it would be.

I wonder if my voice is different than they expected?

And, Kimi, if you're reading this, I'm thinking of you and hope things work out today. Big cyber hugs to you!


  1. Barring just a few instances, I haven't really met many people that I've come to know online. The few I have met, I knew what they looked like from photos on their blogs. And for some reason, their voices matched what I would have expected from their photos. I don't think I ever imagined their voices in advance, but the voices never seemed to surprise me either. However, when it comes to my job, which involves a lot of talking to out-of-state customers on the phone, I have a voice & just a mental image of what they look like -- and when I meet them in real life, I'm never right in that direction. LOL!

  2. I think I have a young girl's voice. Long ago when we didn't have caller id yet, I answered the phone and the telemarketer asked me "is your mommy or daddy home? ", of course I said "no" and hang up. :-)

  3. I do especially the look of a person and then when I meet them, they are different than what I had in my head.

  4. Should have said, i'm Barb-n-PA SBA

  5. Very true, It is like reading a book and then seeing the movie.

    One of my daily reads put a video up of her singing, at first I was a bit taken back at the sound of her voice, nothing like I thought it would be. Funny how we place certain characteristic on people even before we meat them.

  6. Very true, It is like reading a book and then seeing the movie.

    One of my daily reads put a video up of her singing, at first I was a bit taken back at the sound of her voice, nothing like I thought it would be. Funny how we place certain characteristic on people even before we meat them.
