Monday, November 26, 2007

I'm so tired...

I guess I had too many days off. I feel like we flew through the weekend though. All of the preparation for Thanksgiving tired me out. Then Fri. I had a Lia S. open house (I baked for that). Sat. we went to a fun wine tasting party at my neighbors and I baked for that as well. Sun. I ended up going food shopping and when things finally settled down, I sat down and made another 15 or so cards. Well, they still need to be adhered but the pieces are made. I ran out of paper.

I hardly slept last night. My mind was racing. I'm not sure if it was from zooming through the cards or what! I have a wake to go to tonight and hope that I don't fall asleep on the ride home. I'm getting a ride with someone thankfully. I'm not a city driver and this is right in the heart of the city.

Ok, back to work!


  1. Sounds like you need to take a rest. Did you see the Eagles on 60 minutes last night? Too cool. Have a great week and stay warm.

  2. I know how you feel- just so much to do around the holiday time, and then there is work too!

    I hate when I start thinking about something right before bed, and then it keeps me up- arrrgfg
