Monday, September 10, 2007


I barely slept a wink last night. Not sure why but I just could NOT sleep. I'm so exhausted. I hope I can make it til 5 at work.

We had our block party/cookin this weekend and it was rain delayed. We had horrible downpours and thunder and lightning. We ended up at one of the neighbor's house. I felt so bad for her! Anyway, it was fun. We are having the cookOUT again next weekend but when I looked at the forecast it said showers. This time it will be cancelled if it rains.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you didn't sleep. I've found that the older I'm getting, the more trouble I have falling asleep and staying asleep. I hate it! I do love to sleep :) Hope you make it through the day and get a wonderful night's sleep tonight!

    Oh, and please send me some rain! We haven't had any here in almost 3 weeks. I'm running sprinklers almost every day :(
