Monday, September 10, 2007

Swap cards

Please give me your opinion on whether or not you like #1 or #2 better. I did these for a sketch challenge in my cardswap group. I took the easy way out and used SEI papers that coordinated. I used Mike's Studio G stamps and primas. My dh picked one (I'll tell you later) and I picked the other. I have to send one out to my partner so that's why I'm asking.


  1. I like both, but I tend to gravitate to darker colors, so I'd pick the one on the left. #1 I guess :)

    Good work!

  2. I like both also,but seeing that it said "enjoy" the flowers on the bottom one made it seem more festive and i'm associating the flowers with enjoying ....does this make sense.

    So i'd have to say the one at the bottom.

  3. Just wanted to clear up....I know they both have a flower ,but i am referring to the only difference i can see on both of the cards,the is a brown design and the other is a flower design......I choosed the flower design for the reason i explained above........Ok now i'm over analyzing my choice,sorry .

  4. I like the bottom one best.

  5. I love them both...but if I have to choose... I like the first one better. It looks "cleaner" to me.
    Your hand stamped cards always amaze make the nicest things.

    Hugs, Kimi
