Friday, May 25, 2007


Do you ever have a great radio day? I left the house in a not so great mood. I'm worried about my son, worried about my husband finding a job, etc. So I got in the car and the BEST songs came on and just made my day.

Can't remember the order or the names but first I heard "See the World" by Gomez and love that tune!! Then I heard Sheryl Crow, Midnight Oil (Beds are Burning), Alanis M."You Live, You Learn", Vertical Horizon (another group I love). I can't remember the others but I didn't even have to change the station. I do this frequently by the way. If I don't like a song or if they talk, I switch. Are you a switcher or do you just deal with the horrible song?


  1. well, I take the train to work and when I drive to the station, all it takes is maybe 3/4 or one song then I am parking. :-) So sometimes I don't really mind what is playing. But sometimes when a good song is on, I stay in the car longer (and singing to it too) to finish it.

  2. Hey - did you know my maiden name is Gomez...I should meet those guys.

    I have Sirius Radio and listen to the Blues everyday - love that channel - always upbeat music to make me happy.

    Hope your day is happy!!

  3. I love finding great songs, so I switch all the time. I also make mix CDs (not mix tapes anymore!) if there is nothing on the radio. I also listen to talk radio a lot. That Midnight Oil song has always been a favorite.

  4. Definetly a switcher. I can't stand to listen to a song I don't like.
