Thursday, May 24, 2007


I've been tagged by Diana (next in SBA blog ring)

A)Available or Single… Neither!
B)Best Friend…Nancy who lives in GA (not very close)
C)Cake or Pie…Hmmm...I guess it depends on the kind of pie. Love key lime but hate mince meat!
D)Drink of Choice…Water or a margarita on the rocks with salt.
E)Essential Items…Make up, my cell, my glasses, my car, my sb armoire!
F)Favorite Color … light teal
G)Gummi Bears or Worms…Bears…neither. Give me chocolate!! Or Swedish fish.
H)Hometown…Small town in MA, very close to NH border.
J)January or February.. February - there's a school vacation in there!
L)Life is incomplete without…family & friends and some laughs.
M)Marriage Date…Oct. 1, 1977
N)Number of Siblings…. 2 brothers, both younger.
O)Orange or Apples… Apples
P)Phobias…heights, spiders
Q)Quote…have to think about that one a while.
R)Reasons to Smile…my two boys
S)Season…summer - love the baach!
T)Tag...all who are in the SBA Blog Ring.
U)Unknown fact about me..I used to work for Doodleloom!!
V)Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals…Oppressor of Animals but I used to be a vegetarian.
W)Worst Habit…cursing now and then and being picky!
X)X-rays or Ultrasound…doesn't matter.
Y)Your Favorite Foods…I have a hard time choosing but Mexican is right up there.
Z)Zodiac…Virgo, can we say picky?!!


  1. I think we have a lot in common.

  2. Hmmm, another fun list to do?!? I need to copy this.

  3. BTW, I am with you on the gummy worms. I ate a bunch one time and felt so ill, I have never touched another gummy related snack since. Heights and spiders would be my phobias too! Yikes!
