Friday, April 27, 2007

Feast One Hundred & Forty One

How fast can you type? Pretty fast - probably about 95-100 wpm.

What is your favorite online game? I don't play online games. I have too many things to look at online like scrapping & stamping sites!!

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 as highest), how intelligent do you think you are? Oooh, not sure about a 6 or 7.

Main Course
Name three of your best teachers from your school years. Oh, no names here -- I will tell you I had a history teacher (not my forte) that I had a crush on. He tried so hard to help me pass. I just barely made it. I also had a great Spanish teacher, Mr. Gonzalez. He drove me nuts but I learned a lot from him about the culture. I also had a great Business Practices (?) teacher, Miss Luongo. I forget the name of the class but it was great because I went straight into the business world from high school and she prepared me for that. It was kind of a mix of accounting, business letter writing, etc.

What are your plans for this upcoming weekend? Probably head to Maine as mentioned in my prev. post. It's a three hour ride for us. My dh misses his land! I think that's where he feels the happiest.


  1. I'm with ya on the appetizer, soup and salad. I'm removing old tile this weekend - Maine sounds much better to me.

  2. Have a fabulous trip to Maine. Happy weekend!

  3. these feasts are fun! great one. Have fun in Maine. safe travels

  4. Wonderful feast today. Sounds like you have a weekend full of fun. I have always wanted to visit Maine. My feast is up...come on over!

  5. Great feast! Have a fun but safe trip to Maine!

  6. Great feast. My feast is now up.

  7. Great feast! Am impressed with your appetizer!
