Friday, April 27, 2007

Aaaah....almost the weekend

No bosses here today - yay!!!! That makes ME the boss.

I'm so glad the weekend is here. It's rainy out and not a great day for Spring Carnival so I'm glad I'm not going!

Not sure what the plan is yet for the weekend. Tomorrow a.m. I have a dance recital to go to and then we may head to Maine for the day. We want to visit our land (dh does) and our friend who had knee replacement surgery but we really don't want to stay. This makes it easier with my 17 y.o. too. I hate worrying about him while I'm away.

I'm hoping to get to my sb room on Sun. I have swap cards to finish and lo's to do.
I'm also hoping to get some pictures hung and the house a little more in order for my upcoming jewelry party.

Thought I'd share something creative. My best friend made this cool mailbox for me. I keep it on the top of my armoire. I filled it with chipboard letters yesterday but couldn't shut it. I'll have to figure out something else to store.

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