Thursday, April 12, 2007

Caught up!

Oh I feel so good! I caught up on a couple of cards and could not stand looking at the pile of UFO cards sitting on my scrap desk. So....I pushed myself to finish them. I must have done at least 4. Then I cleaned up my area so you can see the desk top. I took a photo of a couple of the cards, brought the card in but forgot to bring the reader in. Oh well...

Now I feel like I may be able to scrap either tonight or tomorrow night. Yippeeee!

p.s. I got a clean bill of health from the skin dr.!!!! NO removals this time.


  1. oh Yey! and double yey for your skin test results!

  2. Oh wonderful news! You got your creative mojo going again, and a clean doctor's report! This sounds like a time to be celebrating :)
