Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Another thing that makes me happy...

Is when you're expecting to pay several thousand in taxes and you're getting it back instead!!!!! Woooooohoooo! We had great news yesterday.

I have to go to the dermatologist today for my annual skin check. Think positive thoughts for me, please! I've had to have something removed the last two times. I hate when he looks at me with that huge magnifying glass. I would not want to see that view! LOL It does get me out of work early and it's going to be warmer today.

Tomorrow we will get snow again. When is it going to go away for good?! I'm sick to death of it. I'm happy for the ski areas though. They're making up for a slow start to winter.

I'm hoping to scrap soon. I finished my swap cards and I'm set for April birthdays. I do have a ton coming up in May though! I'm going to have to do that deal thing again - make a few cards and you HAVE to scrap a page or two. I'm almost to the point where I really want to scrap now anyway! Later!!


  1. oh Yey! that (refund) would also make me happy. We did our taxes in March so it is already with us.

    Thinking positive thoughts for you today.

    BTW, thanks for your nudge of encouragement on my blog ;-) ... I'll go look for something over the weekend. After all, its mother's day soon hehe!!

  2. Yeah, wonderful news about the tax refund!!! Hope all went well at the doctor, let us know :)

  3. Bet you wished you had filed earlier!
