Saturday, March 03, 2007

Still a mess...

It's going to take a long time to get this place back into shape! I started in my den/scrap room and wiped the walls down, vacuumed & dusted the furniture. My dh put felt pads on everything. Then we went shopping for area rugs. We didn't buy anything but we have some idea of what we want.

Tomorrow I get the pleasure of starting over in the dining room and then emptying out my master closet floor and also the hallway closet floor. My dh is ripping up carpet while he has the dumpster here. He is jamming in the a.m. and then coming home to do this so it'll be a long day for me!!

Here's a lousy photo of the family room with the furniture back but not really in place. Everything is just kind of in the approximate area until we can really vacuum and dust the whole thing. Then I can bring my plants and pictures back.

p.s. Got my third stove in today. We haven't seen any problems with it YET!! I was supposed to get a call from an installer on the microwave today - of course that didn't happen. They put some "emergency" company on it to take care of the back log. Hmmmmmmmm.....wonder how long it'll take!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe the problems you're having on that microwave. Can't you take it back and go to Sears or something?
