Friday, March 02, 2007

Appliance update...

or just a small one. I will be receiving my THIRD stove tomorrow!!! Yipppeeee. I suppose I should be thrilled.

And Best Buy is working on an installer and I should have one by next week. Hmmmmm....that's only a month and a half later! Gee....I suppose I should be thrilled again. NOT.

I have to say I will NEVER buy another item from that store. If I feel strong, I'll head to the store this weekend to demand a full refund on the installation. I'm seriously afraid of losing control when I speak to them so that's why I haven't. I'm usually a calm person and this is not like me at all. I'm just so tired of being jerked around. I am woman, hear me roar!!!!!! hehe


  1. ROAR !!! ;-) ... glad you had that definitive answer. Will continue to keep my fingers crossed for you.

  2. I don't know...losing it on the phone, as long as you don't threaten to kill someone or damage property, might make them realize just how upset you are with them.

    One mishandled customer that talks about their experience to other Best Buy customers is an advertising disaster for them.

    They ought to be striving hard to make this right and to win you back as a customer.

    Of course, I'm assuming they know some basic advertising economics....
