Monday, March 26, 2007

Monday, Monday....

Well, my day started off ok until I got in the car. I got a phone call from someone I used to work with who is now in another dept. She told me that the little boy (7 yrs.) of someone who works with us passed away last night. I'm so sad about that.

Then I got here and all hell broke loose. Rooms were changed for a class and open house, the signs we made and threw away on Fri. had to be remade, etc. I hope it gets better. I'm here by myself today in the office. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

So this weekend I was supposed to participate in a cyber crop at SBA. Fri. night after I got settled around 9:00, I got a one page lo done. I was so tired, I decided to quit.

Sat. I was busy from the moment I got up, until I went to bed at midnight. I went grocery shopping, did my ds' taxes online, went to a great class, changed, went out to dinner with friends and zonked around midnight.

The class was great! Dani from Rubber Soul was so shy and very embarrassed when she was introduced as guest artist! We made 8 cards instead of the 4 that were advertised. She gave us a free set of Wordsworth stamps!! It was a great class.

Sunday I woke up, read the paper, brought all of my dining room boxes downstairs (ok, I won't bore you to death). By the end of the day, my dining room was put back together and we finally have a solution for the scrap/den room. We had to move the area rug to our family room and buy a smaller one so the furniture would work.

I did not stop until around 10:00 p.m. At that point, I decided not to play. My stuff is still in the basement but now I'm ready to move back upstairs. Whew!


  1. I met the lady from Rubber Soul at the Susan Gilman show on Sunday! Gosh it's a small world. We bought four of her clear stamp sets (3 of each); the cute kid themed animals and the reindeer one. Such a small world. Just got back last night and I am zonked.

  2. Sounds like you've had a whirlwind weekend. I'm so sorry about your former co-worker's son. Do you know what happened? Not that it should matter, but it's always so sad when children pass. I belong to some groups that send cards and gifts to seriously ill children, so sadly, I'm reminded constantly that children are a gift that can't be taken for granted.

  3. In response to Wendy,

    I should have said the little boy died of cancer after a 2 year fight. :-( I just can't understand why things like this happen.
