Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Getting there....

Ok, I moved a ton of stuff upstairs and started to organize. I can't completely move until we get a bookshelf or two with cabinets below. I still need to bring more up. I have to figure out what to bring to stamp camp this weekend!

This is a busy week. Tomorrow I have to leave work early (yeah!) to take my son for his root canal. Thurs. night I have a hair appt. Fri. I'm off work but have to wait for the carpet installer, go to the podiatrist, food shopping, Lia Sophia party. Somewhere in there I have to pack. Maybe I'll try tonight for a bit.

I forgot to say that I normally have a salad every day for lunch. I vary it by putting turkey or roast beef or hard boiled egg or feta or avacado. You get the picture.

Anyway, today I didn't have time to make my salad because I took my son to school (not a quick ride), got in the driveway and he called my cell. He forgot his phone and asked if I could bring it. Ugh....I searched and searched his room and couldn't find it. Then I called it and kept hearing it under the covers. I patted the pillow case, the sheets, looked under the bed. I finally found it after 5 tries. It was between his bed and desk. Grrrrrrrrrr....

So I had a South Beach pasta meal today and I'm hungry already!!


  1. I blew my lunch today too. Had Chick-Fil-A instead. Oops.

  2. Have fun at stamp camp! It sounds like fun, so take the time to really enjoy it!

    I should eat salad every day for lunch - but I just get so bored with them. I am going to try and spice it up like you, with different toppings and stuff. Maybe that will make the lettuce taste better....oh how I wish I liked vegetables. It would be so much easier to eat healthy.

  3. oh, looks like you had a busy day. kudos on eating your salad. I have to start eating healthy too but right now, I'm cutting on the red meats and seafood (except fish).
