Sunday, January 07, 2007


ok, I think I sounded bad about the cancellation and company. I just wanted a weekend to relax but didn't want our friend to be sick! We ended up having a quiet weekend.

I went to my lss and exchanged some of my Christmas gifts and ended up buying some cute things.

I also bought the Gomez cd. It's very good so far!!


  1. Oh no, you didn't sound bad at all! I totally understand. Sometimes the last thing in the world I want or need is to have company and have to clean and stress and all that. I totally understand! I'm so glad you had a good weekend, quiet and that you got to go to the LSS too. Yeah :)

  2. Sometimes you just don't feel like's not a bad thing. Glad you had a quiet weekend. I hope your friend will be feeling better soon.

  3. Hey - Gomez is my maiden name!
