Monday, January 08, 2007


Ok, I was typing away at my post last night when my hubby came up and saw the title of my blog and asked what it was. I felt like I was caught doing something wrong!! hehe, it's just that I've never shared the blog with anyone other than my friend from MI (and SBA'ers of course) since it's just my random thoughts. So I felt funny! Weird, I can't explain the feeling.

Anyway, I made a bunch of cards last night, some of which I think I used the SU catty for ideas. I'll try to post in a bit.

BTW - our microwave died yesterday!! Ugh....what a PIA. So now we have to go appliance shopping. We were almost ready to upgrade all of them but not quite. So now we'll rush out and find a stove, refrig, dishwasher and microwave since you get a better deal that way. We were hoping to get our wood floors in first. We did take one from the basement bar area upstairs because going up and down to cook dinner was becoming a problem. I did get my exercise yesterday!!! While I was in the basement, the phone rang 3 times and I finally picked it up. It was for my mom so I had to run up two flights after running up and down several times with the rice, veggies, etc. I don't know why she can't pick it up when she's sitting there reading the paper?! That's my grumble for the day.


  1. Sorry to hear about your friend. I hope he is doing ok.

    I don't share stuff on my blog with my hubby either. I did have him read on Thursday Thirteen this past week tho.

    Have a great Monday Michelle.

    P.S. The boat pic was at Pere Marquette beach in Muskegon.

  2. You know, I sometimes wish I had a private blog where I could post what I REALLY think and not worry about people reading it! You weren't doing anything wrong. It's not healthy to keep things inside :)

    Bummer on the microwave. Any chance you could just go get a little cheap one to tide you over, so you don't have to rush your other, big ticket purchases.

    Good for you on the exercise!!!

  3. DH doesn't know about my blog, writing is very personal right now. I'm not sharing any deep secrets, just working on my writing skills for future plans...
