Thursday, December 21, 2006


Last night I made my iced popcorn (3 c. cheerios, 3 c. buttered popcorn, red & green m&m's, 1/2 jar of dry roasted peanuts, 2 bags white chocolate chips. Melt chips and stir into mix until coated. Dry on wax paper - YUM).

I finished a few cards (Sp.Ed. teacher, son's friend, co-worker), packaged up the iced popcorn and white trash into these cute little Basic Grey take out boxes, and finished a retirement card (below) for my aunt. Her party is tonight.


  1. Ooh, very pretty card! I bet she loved it :)

    That iced popcorn sounds good... I'm making my "reindeer food" this afternoon, which is similar, but instead of popcorn has pretzels and cereal with the other ingredients.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Very nice card. I love that set.
