Friday, December 15, 2006

Feast One Hundred and Twenty Two

What was your very first job with a paycheck? I worked at Nature Food Centers factory during my senior year of high school. I went there directly after school and worked every day as a packer. Then I was promoted to assembler over lots of full time people. They didn't like me too much!! But it was funny. Two of my friends worked there full time and he was the one who taped up the boxes and sent them out. So....I used to put some carob chips or pistachios in the bin with my order so that he had something to eat!

Did you ever lose something really important to you? Recently I lost my earrings that my Grandmother gave me. They're not expensive but mean a lot since she's gone. I was very close to her. Anyway, I said a prayer to St. Anthony (she was famous for that) and found them!!

What is the best Christmas present you ever received? Oooh, that's a tough one. I'm not really sure!

Main Course
Tell about a favorite "hang out" place for you and your friends when you were in high school. Well, I can't say I behaved a lot in high school. We used to hang out "down the tracks". It was an area near the railroad tracks in our little town where we used to sit around smoking cigarettes and sometimes drinking beer. Not something to be proud of, I know! LOL

Name something that always brings a smile to your face. I have several photos of my boys when they were little. One in particular is my favorite. We used to take photos of them in their pj's while they were sitting on the recliner. One of them is soooooo cute! My youngest was probably 2 or 3 and was laughing as always - something he doesn't do much of these days, and my oldest (6 at the time) had his arm around my little one like he was so proud of his little brother. When I'm feeling down, I look at this photo sitting on my night stand and I smile.


  1. That's a great feast! Enjoyed it.. :)

  2. St. Anthony is the *best*. He always helps me find things. Hey! Maybe he can help me find the Christmas cookie recipies I lost!!

  3. Nice feast. :) Wonderful dessert and soup - it's amazing how often St. Anthony seems to help people find things!

    Have a good weekend. :)

  4. When you are young you have to "hang out" and doing maybe stupid things (that you realize only later) people who don't are getting the midlife crisis and then it's much worse !

  5. I was a bad girl in HS, too :) Thanks for dropping by.

  6. "Appetizer
    What was your very first job with a paycheck?"

    -My first paycheck came from the local Dairy Queen.

    Did you ever lose something really important to you?"

    -Yes. Once I lost my W-2's (hid them from myself). I had to call and get duplicates mailed. UGH!

    What is the best Christmas present you ever received?"

    -Quickutz! teeheehee ;-)

    "Main Course
    Tell about a favorite "hang out" place for you and your friends when you were in high school."

    -I guess every school has a "place" to hang out. In my school it was the back of the shop bldg.

    Name something that always brings a smile to your face."

    -Pics of my ds always make me smile. :-D


  7. Love your "feast" posts--what a great way to journal and record your life! Sorry to hear about your DH's job woes. We've been there, done that, it's not fun. Hugs.
