Thursday, September 09, 2010


Well, I've been busy lately. I usually get to hold little C after work. I try to eat my dinner before my son and his gf. Then I can hold her while they eat. It's usually her fussy time but Nana settles her down! LOL I usually end up napping with her on my chaisse.

She's three weeks old now and is more alert every day. She had trouble gaining weight for a bit so she just finally hit 7 lbs. with the help of formula. Anyway, I love her to pieces. Here's a photo of her in her sparkly shoes. They are pink but they look red. She always has her hands at her face, under her chin or crossed. It looks like we pose her but we honestly don't! I'll post another so you can see what I mean.


  1. Oh my, so beautiful! I'm so glad she's gaining weight and doing well. How wonderful that you get to see her so often, many grandmothers are probably quite jealous of you!

    Are you guys getting any sleep at night, LOL?!!!

  2. She is truly beautiful!!!

    Isn't being a Granny/Nana the most wonderful thing on the planet??

    I love getting to see her pictures!!

  3. OMG she is so cute. You must be loving this. Give her a hug from me.

  4. Completely adorable :) And the outfits are wonderful!

  5. She's gorgeous!! Enjoy grandmahood!

  6. What a cutie, have fun with your little sweetie!

  7. What a cutie!!! Babies are so precious!!!
