Monday, May 10, 2010

I won, I won....

I was doing my usual blog browsing today when my name popped out at me! I won blog candy at Wizard's Hangout. I'm so excited!

I made a few very last minute Mom's Day cards. I made a quick one Sat. afternoon and another after my mom left for my brother's brunch. Talk about stress!! I completely forgot to post the photos yesterday though. I'll try to remember tonight. Hope you had a nice Mother's Day and/or weekend!

And don't forget to check out my sidebar for a chance to win some candy at Rainbow Echo Designs!


  1. How exciting!!!! Congrats!!!!

  2. congratulations on winning !!!!!

  3. HOORAY!!! How exciting! Isn't it so much fun to win. I hope you got of great stuff! Congrats Michelle, it couldn't happen to a nicer friend!!!!
