Monday, January 25, 2010

What I've been doing...

I didn't get any crafting done over the weekend. I was in a cooking mood and I made everything from brownies, two loaves of bread, mac & cheese, spaghetti and meatballs, a delish rice, and I can't remember what else. I don't know what got into me because my waistline surely didn't need all that.

And to answer a question from a comment by Stacy - no, my room is in the same condition as when we moved in. My stuff is still in a huge stack in the basement but I have temporarily taken over a little bit of the kitchen counter. I do move it out when I think I might have company!

Anyway, here is what I've been working on....

One thing I haven't found yet is my Crop-o-dile so you can see that my three-hole punching hasn't been so accurate around the holes. They'll be covered with rings and a bunch of ribbons so I'm hoping you won't see them anyway.


  1. I can honestly say that I don't think the words "I was in a cooking mood" have ever come out of my mouth! I love the album. Did you design the front? It is adorable.

  2. Yes, I did design the front. Thanks, Peggy! All it takes is coordinating products!

  3. Well, look at you, answering my question, hehehehe! Sorry you haven't had a chance to get your new area in order and get things settled in, but yeah for using the kitchen and having fun :) I love the album, it's adorable and it looks like you've done a wonderful job :) Show us the finished product with the bows and stuff, k?! :)
