Sunday, January 03, 2010

Bad blogger.....

I've been so bad with keeping up here. I have just been so busy around the house. When not unpacking or organizing, I've been baking. We had a family gathering at my house for New Year's Day so I did a ton of cooking for that. It was a lot of fun! I don't know why I always make way too much food! We've been eating leftovers for lunch and dinner.

New Year's Eve we decide to stay home and get take out Chinese - not a good idea. I called the order in around noon for a 5:30 pick up. They told me the earliest they could do was 7. I said fine. I got there just a tad early and it was crowded with people waiting for their orders and they did not look happy. Some had called the day before for a 6:00 pick up and it was about 7:00. One couple finally got their food around 7:45 and they stormed out swearing they'd never be back. I got mine right around 7:50. I was shocked to have a complete order and it tasted great so that's all that matters, right?!

I'm really not looking forward to going back to work after vacation. We got a lot done around the house but didn't do enough relaxing.

Hope you all had a nice New Year's Eve & Day!


  1. It sounds like your finally getting all settled into your new home. How fun that you got a chance to entertain during the holidays.
    We have done Chinese on New Year's Eve for about 30 straight years now. Every time we think we have it figured out the following year doesn't go as smoothly. This year though same restaurant and time and I was in and out in 5 minutes, go figure!

  2. I offered to order Chinese for my mom, but she ended up cooking. We did order it the night before she left and it was yummy! I wish the boys liked it more-although they are fortune cookie fans.

  3. Ugh, what a pain about the take-out. We thought about doing Chinese take-out also, but we had so many leftovers in the fridge, that we did that instead. Isn't that terribly romantic, staying in and eating leftovers on NY Eve?! It was a good one though, and I'm glad you guys had a good one too. Hope you get back in a routine soon, and find plenty of time at night and on the weekends to REST. I know you must be totally burned out with everything that has been going on the last few months. Hang in there :)
