Thursday, December 03, 2009

MIA and warm temps...

First off, my hubby just called to say that the thermometer in his car reads 70 degrees!!! Can you believe it? December in New England and 70?!! It's crazy.

Anyway, we are hopeful for a closing tomorrow. I just wanted to say that I can't get cable/tv/internet for a bit so I won't be here much. I guess it all depends on when I return to work.

I made a card last night, or I guess you could call it that. I have no ribbon or embellishments to match so I may go out on my lunch hour. Tonight may be my last night to play for a while!

It's been a crazy two months and I seriously hope it's over tomorrow.


  1. we are definitely cooling down here. I am still hoping you can close ASAP.

    BTW, I joined Let's Scrap because it seemed like a right step to go get back to the hobby. take care!

  2. I hope you can close tomorrow!! This must be so so frustrating for you. Try and let us know what is happening.

  3. Michelle,
    I can't wait to hear your good new tomorrow!

  4. Oooh, 70 degrees? Send it here-we are in the 60's and very chilly! :)

    I really hope that all goes well tomorrow and I will be thinking of you and hoping for the best! GOOD LUCK!
