Monday, September 07, 2009

Labor Day Weekend...

So this is what Labor Day is supposed to be? Filled with work?! LOL I've never worked on Labor Day before. We started packing yesterday and got our upstairs hallway done and my guest bedroom which used to be my oldest's bedroom. There was a tall bookshelf filled with books and a closet full of crap. That one is done and now we move onto the dining room today. That will be a chore and a half. We have two china cabinets to pack.

We decided to spend the extra money and get a mover. I honestly don't think my hubby would make it through without lots of help. Unfortunately my boys are really busy. My youngest just got a co-mgr. job - YAY!!!! He's working a lot of hours. My oldest is in a band that's serious about getting signed and he also works full time.

Wish me luck tomorrow. We are doing our inspection on the new house. That will determine whether we stick with this one or move on to #3. We've decided #2 is too expensive. Anyway, I'm off to pack with a vengence!!


  1. Good luck !!!! to you and your DS. Movers are really great help... all you need to do is unpack and put the right things in the right places.

    I wish I could empty out our junk at home ... big big work.

  2. Hope the packing is going well, and the inspection today. Put on some music to help you pack by, it works for me and cleaning! Glad you're going to get help with the move, and I know J. is too!

    Keep us posted!

  3. Hip hooray Michelle, keep us posted!

  4. Packing is always so tough, but glad to hear you will have movers. I am sure that will make it much easier.

    Hang in there and keeping fingers crossed that everything goes the way you wish.
