Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fun week....

I first want to say I wasn't too happy with my hubby packing up my scrap stuff. He was grabbing things that looked like they could fill holes in the boxes he was packing and that's not how I wanted to do it. He's the packer, I'm the organizer. Oh well! It's pretty much all gone. I do have a little travel bag I usually take to classes. I snuck a few images in there along with my Copics. I don't have paper and embellishments to go along them though.

I've had a fun week. My hubby, the boys and my mom took me out for my birthday dinner (yes, it was on the 22nd). Then last night my aunts and cousins took me out for dinner. Yum, it was so good. I couldn't figure out what I wanted to drink since I had margaritas the night before. The bartender asked if I'd like a blueberry martini. Oh yeah! It was delish so I proceeded to get another....we all ended with some amaretto on the rocks. Needless to say, my head hurts a tad and I'm very tired today.

I got lots of nice things. I just have to figure out what to spend my gift cards on. One was to the lss, one to Target, an Amex gc and some cash, along with several nice things. One was a really cool small purse that's made from recycled items. Mine is made from upc codes. If I can find the link, I'll post. Sometimes she uses candy wrappers or gum wrappers. Ok, it's Nahui Ollin . I guess I didn't realize this was meant as a camera bag. Cool!! I hope mine fits.

I have one more dinnner coming up on Fri. I hope I can rest up! Grey's starts tonight!!


  1. Glad you had fun and more to come!!
    Make sure and mark the boxes that hubby put your stuff in so you know which to open first when you move!!

  2. I am so happy to hear you had a great Birthday! I hope you get some relaxing in between celbrating and packing!

  3. Hee, hee, well now you can go to the SB store and get some paper so you'll have something to work on :)

  4. Sounds like a great birthday Michelle! I am still celebrating mine, I went to lunch with Kristen today.

    Grey's was good!

  5. yeah!!! go spend your gc's in the LSS !!! ;-)

  6. Happy Birthday!!! Sounds like you had a lot of fun...blueberry martini is now on my must-try list!

    Wow-cannot wait to hear what you choose for gifts!

    Enjoy your weekend!!

  7. Ooh, if my husband packed up my craft stuff or my kitchen, I think I would have a meltdown! Stuff would definitely not be where I wanted it. But I guess as long as it's all well labeled and marked (tell me it is, please, please!), it will work out.

    So glad you had a great birthday!!! Sounds like you have a lot of shopping to do, to spend all of that gift card loot :)
