Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Missing again....

Oh boy, my life has been interesting. I can't really post until things are settled and I hope that will be in a few days (HA, in my dreams!!!). All I can say is I am stressed to the MAX! I haven't had one minute to create and I probably won't for a bit. Again, I am so happy I made my August cards early. I do have two friends bdays coming up and I hope I have the time to make a card.

I'm looking forward to this weekend. I have a family reunion to go to at my aunt's. I'll be seeing close cousins from OR, Washington, DC, NY, etc. It'll be a blast! I hope the weather is nice Sat. because it's a pool party.


  1. Hmmmm.....Can't wait to see what's up. Good Luck!!!

  2. Happy reunion! Sounds like a great time and hope the weather cooperates for pool time!

    Hopefully once your reunion is done, you can get back to crafting aka stress release. :)

  3. Sounds busy busy!! :) I'm in Oregon and we've been having a heat wave for the last week or two, but luckily today it's a li'l cooler (after those thunderstorms!)

    I'm sending my two girls off to a family reunion tomorrow morning for a week with my parents - it's in California. First time for them to be away from home/mom & dad for more than one night! EEKS - they are 9 and 10 yrs. old. Anyway, lots of family members will be there and I'm sure they'll have fun. Hope YOU have a blast at your pool party reunion!! No matter what you end up doing, it'll be fun just being with your family!

  4. How fun! for the pool party at least. I hope your weather will be gorgeous on Satuh-day!
