Sunday, July 19, 2009

Last day....

What a perfect day it was! The weather was gorgeous and I did nothing but plunk my butt in my favorite chaise lounge. I got a little too much sun though. I read and got through all the backlog of magazines I had. I even browsed the SU catalog. My hubby cooked a delish dinner (beer can chicken, corn on the cob, baked potato). I came down to the basement and stamped a couple of cards and now my vacation is officially over. :-( We had a great time though! I never got the chance to post more pix. Maybe tomorrow night?!

Here are two quick cards. I used a Amy Rysavy sketch on the first. I used SU raspberry tart paper & cs. The second image came from a good friend. I have no idea who makes it but she's so funny! I used SU dp on that too. I can't remember the names and don't have time to look. I kept them both pretty simple. I can't believe I made two cards without ribbon or flowers!!


  1. Sounds like a very nice end to vacation for you....reading magazines outside is one of my favorite relaxing things to do. Tomorrow is my last day of summer vacation before work on Tuesday too.

    I love the birthday card! It's beautiful!

  2. Sounds like a great way to end a wonderful vacation... now, you'll need a vacation to recover from your vacation!

    I wish you could have helped with my stack of magazines. It's quite embarrassing, really!

    Hope today is going well :)

  3. Don't you just love vacations! I love the first card with the Raspberry DP. I have some of that pretty paper I just haven't figured out what to use it on yet. I love the single flower with it that you used. The second card is such a hoot! She looks like I feel when I want time to myself during the summer. You did a fantastic job on both cards. I hope you can ease back into the workdays.

  4. Everyone should relax on their last day of vaca! Great cards! I like the DP on the flower. The image on the second is so funny. Glad you had fun on your vaca.

  5. Glad you had a great time on vacation. Your cards are wonderful!
