Monday, July 06, 2009

Day off....

I'm so happy to have another day off! This week will be a short 4 days and then I'm on vacation next week! Yay.

I had a nice fourth weekend but I didn't see any fireworks! Well, maybe I did. First my son and his buddy came over for lunch. He was dying for my potato salad and homemade burgers. He was eating the potato salad and then informed me that there were a few crunchy ones in there. Oooops! When I started to cut them up, I noticed there was one or two not quite done in the middle so I put them in a pan and reboiled. I guess I missed one. It was good anyway and he loved the burger.

Then we had friends over for dinner and everything came out great. My hubby confiscated firecrackers from my son several years ago and he pulled out the little container that was hidden all that time. He started to light up a few and the fizzled out. One was really loud so he kept going. They pretty much were duds so that was the end of his fun! LOL

I plan on getting some stamping done today even though it's gorgeous out! I spent yesterday in the sun (my bad) and got a little sunburn. I just felt the need to soak up whatever I could before the rain comes again!

Anyway, I need to get a few things done around the house and then make a card for a soldier who is our friends' son who is in Iraq. Hope everyone had a good fourth!


  1. I am so jealous! I want the day off!!! Have fun!!

  2. A day off and then a whole week off?! Whatever will you do, LOL! :)
