Thursday, July 16, 2009

Another monkey card....

I am trying to get a jump on August birthdays so I made a quick one for my nephew in MI. I forget how old he'll be but I'm guessing 8? Anyway, it's nothing spectacular but it's done. I used Dustin Pike's monkey again. I just love this guy! And my nephew is a little monkey so it's appropriate. Thanks for looking, but don't look too close. I don't know what paper I used but it bled a bit.

p.s. I have a funny - remember how I posted about losing my mother and several people were ready to strangle me when they realized I meant my sentiment stamp? Well, I pulled out my (?) circle cutter by Cutterpede just before vacation and there was my mother stuck in one of the tracks! LOL I was so happy to find her! I found something else but now I can't remember. I'm still looking for my "Have a Swinging Day" stamp.

1 comment:

  1. Funny Monkey stamp lol
    Very cute card!!

    Glad you found your "Mother"!!
